Note: Below is a transcription of the original document submitted by John Trotti and dated 08/09/1993.
The RALC in Outline – Take Three – 1985 – 1992 – Completing the First Twenty Years
Your self-appointed Historian and Resident Relic, Charter member Dr. John B. Trotti, herewith submits the third phase of our RALC History completing our first twenty years. This is a bare bones recounting of the facts as our minutes reflect them over those years. Later Historians may comment on the weight and substance of what we have done here. Suffice it to say that our libraries are closer, more cooperative, and stronger in this relationship than we were in 1972. Let it also be said that there is much yet to be done to realize our potential.
September 27, 1985: RALC at UTSVA
Trotti reported on the work of the advisory committee on Library Automation and Networking in Virginia. He also circulated “the RALC in Outline — Take One” (a history up through May 1980. After discussion of wether to continue the RALC, it was agreed to do so with two meetings per year (Sept/Oct and April) and to propose a topic for discussion at each meeting. It was reaffirmed that this was a Directors Group with some others participating, but not to be expanded to full staff meetings. Winant reported from the RAFil/Video Co-Op.
April 19, 1986: RALC at RMC
Trotti circulated “The RALC in Outline — Take Two” (1980 – 1985). Committee on Statistics reported and most members circulated ILL stats for the year. Report of the RAF/VC was discussed. Topic: “Use of our libraries by outside groups” led to recommendation to Public Services Committee to discuss the issue and draft an RALC letter to go to schools Discussion of State networking.
October 3, 1986: RALC at VCU
Presentation of VCU’s ALIS acquisition system. Lengthy discussion of Public Services Committee and issue of high school students. Action: (1) a letter was proposed to go to all principals and librarians in the area and (2) further steps were referred to the committee. Winant reported for FAFVC and Trotti for State Networking. In lieu of an RALC newsletter, it was requested that staff newsletters be sent to all RALC institutions.
April 17, 1987: RALC at VSU
ILL agreement extended one year. ILL statistics circulated. Committee reports: Statistics asking who uses them and asks for them to be on July 1 to June 30 cycle. Brief reports on Technical Services, Collection Development and Public Services. Agreed that Subcommittees must meet far enough in advance of the Directors Meeting to get minutes out. Public Services charged once more with issue of high school student use/abuse.
Discussion of needs for Professional Development programs of RAC. Agreed that host institution is responsible for the minutes of RALC. Judd of VCU elected Convener for two years. Report on Networking.
August 20, 1987: Special RALC at UTSVA
Discussion of high school student use and various proposals made – finally to gather more data and discuss in October. Standardized ILL pass form presented. Discussion of Professional Development in RALC. Issue of including community colleges in RALC set for October discussion.
October 16, 1987: RALC at Virginia Union University
Discussion of the role, charge, relevance of a Collection Development Committee. Agreement that a Staff Development Committee was not needed. Report of Public Services Committee and rejection of idea of RALC borrowing card. Stats sheets circulated.
April 29, 1988: Public Services Committee at RMC
ILL agreement reaffirmed. Tour of new facility.
May 6, 1988: RALC at University of Richmond
Public Services discussion of high school student issues plus revisions of interloan policy. Hirsshorn proposal about dial-up access to VCU’s catalog. Collection Development committee charged to gather collection development policies.
November 4, 1988: RALC at Hewlett Packard District Office
Welcome to three new members: J. Sargeant Reynolds (both campuses), John Tyler Community College, and Richard Bland College. Committee reports plus RAFVC report. Charge to have each committee given more direction by RALC. Plans for proposal to Title III for U list of Serials — to meet November 27 and take action.
December 8, 1988: RALC at RMC
Reaffirmed that host library should do the minutes. Hirsshorn to revise statistical form. New title and some revisions to ILL agreement. Agreed to apply for a title III LSCA Grant for Union List of Serials Report on stuatus and use of FAX machines in the area.
June 1, 1989: RALC at VCU
ILL agreement ratified. Statistics circulated. Serial Union List Project discussed. Requests to expand RALC membership list. Schools added: John Tyler Community College, J. Sargeant Reynolds (all campuses), Richard Bland Community College, and Southside Virginia Community College.
November 27, 1989: RALC at VCU
Technical Services committee report on U List proposal and budget. Discussion of delivery system and finances of the vans. Discussion of local networking and its place in state network.
February 23, 1990: RALC at UTSVA
Report on Title III proposal. Report of RAFVC asking its status in RALC. Report of ILL Delivery Task Force — recommends RALC share in cost of the system. Dues set at $650 per year plus $1500 total dues.
June 12, 1990: RALC at Virginia State Library & Archives
Committee reports, including RAFVC. Discussion of RAFVC finances led to a committee to study financial matters and structure of RALC Membership of Richmond Memorial Hospital library was denied and basic group of academic libraries reaffirmed. Moved balance in RAFVC for repairs/replacement into line for production of 1989 catalog plus one camera- ready copy of the catalog to go to each school. Title III proposal report. RALC to meet bi- monthly. Major discussion of Union List proposal and work.
August 13, 1990: RALC at U of R
Discussion of library relations with the media. Committee reports — RAFV CoOp now a committee. Formation of a Management Structure Committee. Update on Union Lists of Serials Project — libraries becoming official participants. Set schedule of bi-monthly meetings.
January 18, 1991: RALC at UTSVA
Film Co-Op Committee, Committee on Cataloging Films, Union List Committee, RALC Management Committee all reported. Peggy Reitz of the Union List project reported. Revised By-Laws.
March 22, 1991: RALC at RMC
Reports from RAFVC, Film Cataloging Committee, Union List, and By-Law Revisions. Call for committee budget proposals by next meeting.
May 21, 1991: RALC at U of R
Discussion of By-Laws. Committee reports.
July 12, 1991: RALC at RMC
Committees: RAFVC Public Services, and Technical Services. Mission Statement adopted. RALC now is Richmond Academic Library Consortium. Union List project report.
October 11, 1991: RALC met at (anyone have minutes?)
October 18, 1991: Technical Services Committee at UTSVA
January 10, 1992: RALC at VUU
Committee reports; reports on Union List Project. Policies and budget for Film Co-Op.
April 17, 1992: RALC at J. Sargeant Reynolds, Downtown
Committee reports, Union List Report, election of officers.
May 29, 1992. Technical Services & Co-Op Collection Development met at VSL&A
June 19, 1992: RALC at T.C. Williams
Update of membership roster, committee reports, tour of new library facility.
October 9, 1992: RALC at Tompkins-McCaw (VCU)
Treasurer’s report, budget, negative report on funding for Online Medial Catalog Project (Members would have to share resources beyond the bounds of RALC), report on Commonwealth College and rejection of its application for RALC membership, reports on VLA plans and on IFLA, and a variety of announcements. RALC voted not to collect materials to send to Miami libraries, but encouraged individual libraries to respond as they are able.
November 9, 1992: RALC Film/Video Co-op met a Virginia Union University
1991/92 statistics presented, thanks expressed to persons responsible for publishing the AV Catalog, plans laid for continuing work on the grant proposal to automate.
This brief sketch rounds off our first twenty years of the RALC. Over that time significant steps have been taken in interlibrary cooperation, in establishing the shuttle in the publications of the RALF/V group, in funding for and completion of a project to work on union serials list. Both public services and technical services groups have met hard and carried forward the work of the RALC. With a mission statement, constitution and by-laws in place, RALC is poised to move forward in the next twenty years.
Respectfully submitted,
John B. Trotti, self-appointed archivist
August 9, 1993